With an array of ghosts, ghouls, and goblins, Halloween provides a ton of fun and excitement for millions of young trick-or-treaters.
The thrills and chills of spooky costumes and bagfuls of candy aren’t just limited to the kids, however. Tweens and teens may be out and about with their own social events or festive parties. The nighttime holiday can cause some parents added stress and worry concerning the safety of their children. For this reason, a cell phone can be the perfect accessory to any costume, from Harry Potter to Wonder Woman to the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. Cell phones help families stay connected on All Hallows Eve, and with so many cutting edge devices and free apps now available, parents are just a download away from having that extra peace of mind.
Whether you’re the chaperone of a gaggle of elementary school youngsters or the parent of a tween who’s hitting the neighborhood with a group of friends, experts agree that a cell phone is imperative to maintaining safety in the event that a child gets turned around or separated from the group. Therefore, it’s absolutely critical to make certain that all of the family’s devices are fully charged and in good working condition. A low battery or a cracked or damaged cell phone screen can impede call functionality, and that could be the difference between a Happy Halloween and a night of stress and worry for parents and children alike. If you have any concerns about your phone’s performance, let the qualified technicians at ZAGG Phone Repair put your fears to rest. With eight locations throughout the states of Florida, Maryland, and Virginia, as well as the city of Washington, D.C., the pros at ZAGG Phone Repair can ensure that your cell phone is operating at peak performance for Halloween, and for every night of the year.
Implementing safety protocols and procedures for children trick-or-treating can be as easy as one-two-three.
- Encourage children to learn their parents’ cell phone numbers and their own home telephone numbers and addresses well before the night of October 31st. Supplying each child with a well-working cell phone will greatly improve the level of safety should he or she get lost or off course along the way.
- Educate children on how to call 911 and/or operate a panic button app should they require emergency assistance. Remember, cell phone calls to 911 or other local emergency numbers are free, so help is only three taps away.
- Program parents’ numbers into each phone’s contacts list as ICE (“in case of emergency”). During any kind of emergency, police and other personnel know to find ICE to determine who to call if you or your children need help.
- Consider your cell phone a safety tool first and an entertainment/social device second, especially on Halloween. Adult chaperones should not allow themselves to be distracted by their own browsing and Tweeting.
- Stress to older children that remaining alert is just as important as it is for adults supervising younger children. Encourage tweens and teens to avoid texting, Facebooking, or Googling until they are in safe and well-lit environments – unless it’s an emergency, of course. When absorbed in a text conversation or social media post, even crossing the street can become a potential hazard. Ingrain in them the necessity of maintaining an awareness of their surroundings.
- Finally, cell phone or not, no one should go candy gathering alone!
Remember, a cell phone is only useful as a safety tool if it is fully charged and operational. Should you reside in the areas of Orlando or Sarasota in Florida, Tysons Corner in Virginia, Washington, D.C., or the towns of Annapolis, Bethesda, Columbia, or Gaithersburg in Maryland, let the professional specialists at ZAGG Phone Repair see to it that trick-or-treating this Halloween is a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.